WALT: Explore how different cultures produce music
I chose my own country, the Philippines. The bamboo poles create a beat, and more detail is that, girls or boys dance in between the poles and try to avoid get hit by the poles. But, the poles have a kind of rhythm that will get those who are dancing in between to get moving.

As said, the poles are made out of bamboo. The bamboo poles are all even sizes, you can do it with 2 poles only or you can add extra poles and extra people. To dodge the bamboo trap, of course, the dance would be planned first before the people do the actual thing. The poles are usually chopped off to use for Tinikling. Music can go along with the dance as the bamboo poles have a beat which makes the music exciting to dance to. 2 people or more (optional but I think 2 people is good) , can dance in between the poles. The bamboo poles can be painted in bright colours to go along with the clothing of the dancers.