Ingredients for Oobleck:Water
Cornstarch or corn flour (We used corn flour)
Food colouring (optional)

One of the variables we changed was how much corn flour we added and something we measured or observed is how much it spreads when it is dropped. Our hypothesis was "We think the more corn flour we add to the oobleck recipe the splatter will be smaller." A hypothesis is like a prediction before you investigate the experiment.
My group and I made four bowls of oobleck. Each time we made them, we added more corn flour like we said for our variable. After dropping all four bowls, we measured the splatter. First drop was 14cm, second was 16cm, third was 20cm and the fourth drop was 12cm. The fourth bowl had the most corn flour and also had the smallest splatter. We kept the amount of the water the same (0.1 liters)
What I found difficult:
When we were making oobleck and testing it out, we had a missing group member for most of the time so we had little help. Although, when we were a complete group it made everything easier and got through the work with more help.
When we were making oobleck and testing it out, we had a missing group member for most of the time so we had little help. Although, when we were a complete group it made everything easier and got through the work with more help.
What I enjoyed:
I enjoyed working with someone I never usually worked with and it was fun. I liked how we had very little problems and everything was running smoothly without any arguments.
I enjoyed working with someone I never usually worked with and it was fun. I liked how we had very little problems and everything was running smoothly without any arguments.
What I could do next time:
Next time, we maybe try another variable or if there would be any difference if used cornstarch instead of corn flour. We chose not to add any food colouring in case it stains anything but next time we could try out using some colour.
Next time, we maybe try another variable or if there would be any difference if used cornstarch instead of corn flour. We chose not to add any food colouring in case it stains anything but next time we could try out using some colour.