Anzac Day Poem
What We Had To Do:
We had to create poem called a 'Diamante Poem' that would go in the shape of a diamond. We used nouns, verbs or adjectives in every line. We may have had 2 nouns and 2 verbs in one line. Or, we had 2 verbs and 1 adjective.
What I Did Well:
I think I did well on creating my poem though I had some trouble coming up with words that would match with the theme. I needed to make sure they were proper nouns, verbs and adjectives.
What I Enjoyed:
I enjoyed the words I had chosen to use mostly, because it went with the war kind of vibe. It was hard to try not to repeat some words.
What I Could Do Next Time:
Next time, I could maybe come up with more strong and deep words, so my poem could be more understood rather than being just an old boring poem. I tried my best on this poem, and I'm proud of how it came out.
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