Tuesday, 10 December 2019
SLJ - Teaser Week - Day 1, Activity 1: Arts & Entertainment
For this activity we needed to research about Lorde. We were instructed to make a profile about Lorde containing all the information we had learnt about her.
Monday, 25 November 2019
SLJ - Practice Activity
One of my favourite meals is pizza. It is my one of my favourite meals because for me, personally, it is a comfort food. I enjoy eating pizza with family and friends.
Saturday, 19 October 2019
WALT: Think critically when looking at information in different texts.
This week, Saturn and Mars (reading groups) have learnt about waterspouts. Our assignment was to learn about waterspouts and how they form. After we have done the learning, we were to present the information we learnt by creating an infographic. An infographic is a visual presentation that show information using words, pictures, etc.
Last term, I also made an infographic on the parts of a volcano
What I enjoyed: I enjoyed learning about waterspouts and creating the infographic.
What I found difficult: Some of the information was a little hard to understand which slowed me down a bit.
What I could do next time: I could pick up the pace next time so I can also do the other activities.
Thursday, 26 September 2019
For quite some time now, our class has been doing fair testing. Fair testing is when you change one variable and keep everything the same to carry out a scientific question. My group (Caleb, Nika and I) did a fair test on oobleck. Oobleck is like a liquid when it is being poured down but acts like a solid when you put pressure onto it.
Ingredients for Oobleck:Water
Ingredients for Oobleck:Water
Cornstarch or corn flour (We used corn flour)
Food colouring (optional)

One of the variables we changed was how much corn flour we added and something we measured or observed is how much it spreads when it is dropped. Our hypothesis was "We think the more corn flour we add to the oobleck recipe the splatter will be smaller." A hypothesis is like a prediction before you investigate the experiment.
My group and I made four bowls of oobleck. Each time we made them, we added more corn flour like we said for our variable. After dropping all four bowls, we measured the splatter. First drop was 14cm, second was 16cm, third was 20cm and the fourth drop was 12cm. The fourth bowl had the most corn flour and also had the smallest splatter. We kept the amount of the water the same (0.1 liters)
What I found difficult:
When we were making oobleck and testing it out, we had a missing group member for most of the time so we had little help. Although, when we were a complete group it made everything easier and got through the work with more help.
When we were making oobleck and testing it out, we had a missing group member for most of the time so we had little help. Although, when we were a complete group it made everything easier and got through the work with more help.
What I enjoyed:
I enjoyed working with someone I never usually worked with and it was fun. I liked how we had very little problems and everything was running smoothly without any arguments.
I enjoyed working with someone I never usually worked with and it was fun. I liked how we had very little problems and everything was running smoothly without any arguments.
What I could do next time:
Next time, we maybe try another variable or if there would be any difference if used cornstarch instead of corn flour. We chose not to add any food colouring in case it stains anything but next time we could try out using some colour.
Next time, we maybe try another variable or if there would be any difference if used cornstarch instead of corn flour. We chose not to add any food colouring in case it stains anything but next time we could try out using some colour.
Thursday, 12 September 2019
Maori Language Week
My Mihi
This week is Maori Language Week and for Maori language week we made a mihi using Gamefroot. The games was already made and all we needed to do was fill in spaces with facts about ourselves.
Maunga - Mountain. We typed in the name of the maunga we were born near.Awa - River. We added in the river near our birthplace. Waka - Canoe. We wrote what brought us into New Zealand.
Iwi - Large Family Grouping. We weren't so sure what this meant so we just put in where we came from.
Marae - Gathering Place. The gathering place is where our family meets up together.Kaumātua - Grandparents. We added the names of our grandparents.
Mātua - Parents. We put in the names of our parents.
Ingoa - Yourself. This is where we add in our name. We were supposed to add a photo of ourself but I chose not to.
What I enjoyed: I enjoyed being able to introduce myself in another language.
What I found difficult: I found some words hard to understand.
What I could do next time: I could do better. Maybe do a little research on what some words meant.
What I found difficult: I found some words hard to understand.
What I could do next time: I could do better. Maybe do a little research on what some words meant.
Thursday, 5 September 2019
The Parts of a Volcano
WALT: Think critically when looking at information in different texts.
Saturn and Mars (Groups) learnt about volcanoes this week. We learnt about how volcanoes are formed and how tectonic plates work.
There are 4 types of volcanoes:
Strato Volcano
Composite Volcano
Lava Dome
Shield Volcano
I made an infographic about the parts of a volcano. An infographic is a way to present information through, words, numbers, images, diagrams, flow charts, and symbols. Here I have an image of a volcano and I have labelled some of the parts and explained what they are.
What I enjoyed:
I enjoyed learning new information about volcanoes and being able to know about the different parts and types of a volcano.
What I found difficult:
I found some information hard because I sometimes I didn't understand what some things meant and it confused me a little. Although, it all worked out in the end.
What I could do next time:
Next time, I could add the other parts of a volcano I didn't add in to give a bit more information.
The Government Should Provide Schools With Hot Lunches
This week, the class worked more on persuasive writing. We each chose a topic we wanted to write about. I chose "The Government Should Provide Schools With Hot Lunches" and listed 3 reasons on why. Before we began our real writing, we did a persuasion map to help us with our writing. A persuasion map is you write your topic and then put down your 3 reasons in the 3 boxes. Each box has 3 boxes connected to it and we had fill in to justify our reason.
What I enjoyed: I enjoyed being to talk about my reasons and justifying them.
What I found difficult: I found finding reasons why the government should provide lunch because it took me some time.
What I could do next time: Next time I could maybe add a little bit more or even the other side of the argument.
Students around the world sometimes don't have enough to eat. They starve due to parents not being able to afford much food, skipping meals, or having light meals. If you were a student who lived in a low-income family and always have little to eat, what would you do?
Firstly, students are starving. Sometimes, students have enough to eat, and one of the reasons why is they probably cannot afford much food for themselves. Us students can skip meals because when we're running late, we often forget to eat or bring our lunch with us to school.
Secondly, the students can rely on the school for food. For example, if a student forgets their lunch, they can depend on the school to provide for them. They won't have to worry about starving throughout the day if they have skipped breakfast. Other students would no longer need to share their lunch and wouldn't need to worry about breaking the "no sharing" rule.
Lastly, it would take the financial pressure off parents. Parents won't have to worry about buying food for their children's lunch that costs more than their income. If the government provides schools with lunch, parents would have a little bit more money saved aside for bills and other basic needs.
In conclusion, I think that the government should provide schools with hot lunches because it will feed the children who don't have lunch, children can rely on the school, and it will help parents who have financial pressure. Do you think the government should provide schools with hot lunches?
What I enjoyed: I enjoyed being to talk about my reasons and justifying them.
What I found difficult: I found finding reasons why the government should provide lunch because it took me some time.
What I could do next time: Next time I could maybe add a little bit more or even the other side of the argument.
Students around the world sometimes don't have enough to eat. They starve due to parents not being able to afford much food, skipping meals, or having light meals. If you were a student who lived in a low-income family and always have little to eat, what would you do?
Firstly, students are starving. Sometimes, students have enough to eat, and one of the reasons why is they probably cannot afford much food for themselves. Us students can skip meals because when we're running late, we often forget to eat or bring our lunch with us to school.
Secondly, the students can rely on the school for food. For example, if a student forgets their lunch, they can depend on the school to provide for them. They won't have to worry about starving throughout the day if they have skipped breakfast. Other students would no longer need to share their lunch and wouldn't need to worry about breaking the "no sharing" rule.
Lastly, it would take the financial pressure off parents. Parents won't have to worry about buying food for their children's lunch that costs more than their income. If the government provides schools with lunch, parents would have a little bit more money saved aside for bills and other basic needs.
In conclusion, I think that the government should provide schools with hot lunches because it will feed the children who don't have lunch, children can rely on the school, and it will help parents who have financial pressure. Do you think the government should provide schools with hot lunches?
Friday, 23 August 2019
Stop Animal Slaughter
Recently in the class, we have been doing some persuasive writing. For us to complete this task, we needed a: introduction, 4 reasons and a conclusion. We first planned out writing in 4 four boxes. Those 4 boxes are our 4 main reasons about the topic we were writing about. I chose 'Why Should We Stop Killing Animals?' and I stated my reasons. What I enjoyed: I really enjoyed writing about a topic that really needs to be spread out in the world. I was very passionate about this and did my best.
What I found difficult: It was difficult sometimes because I wanted to make sure anyone could understand what I was saying and so I began to doubt myself. I found it hard to keep on writing because there was some research about the downside of going vegan or people hunting down animals for fun. It was hard because we never really what's going on in the wildlife.
What I could do next time: Next time I could make another version of this but a little more easier to understand and read for those who are younger so I can get the message across all ages.
Why Should We Stop Killing Animals?
For a very long time now animals have been used for food, clothing, and testing. We are rapidly losing animals, and we need to make a change immediately before it is too late. Please, take your time to read my reasons on why we should stop killing animals.Firstly, we are slaughtering and torturing animals for our unnecessary needs. For example, poachers dehorn rhinos and use it for a medicine that does not work or used as a dagger handle. A poacher can dehorn a rhino without harming their skull, and their horn will eventually grow back. Although, how can a mother shield her young from predators without a horn?
Moreover, humans cannot live without animals just as we cannot live without trees. If animals suddenly disappear, forests and grasslands would die because they depend on animals. Most plants and crops rely on animal pollinators to procreate. If we lose many animal pollinators such as bees; there is a possibility that we may lose all plants. The world will struggle without bees because they pollinate most plants.
In my opinion, I truly believe that us humans can survive without eating animals. A plant-based diet is healthy because it consists of all the vitamins and nutrients our bodies need to stay alive. Even though if we lose pollinator species; it would be too late to go vegan. Many people go vegan to prevent animals from being slaughtered and to help save the environment. Did you know, over 150 million animals killed each day for food?
Lastly, animals have feelings too. Humans are not the only living beings that can feel emotions. They feel pain, sadness, and anger the same way we do. It is unfair that numerous animals are killed each day for us to eat them later on for our pleasure. They have families, friends, and - feelings. Please ensure, the next time you decide to eat an animal; think about the torture and trauma they go through.
To summarize, we shouldn't kill animals to save the environment, decrease animal extinction and endangerment; and last but not least, have more justice for animals. What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you agree or disagree with my reasons? If you disagree with my opinions, why? I'd love to hear from other perspectives.
Monday, 5 August 2019
The Man in the Cabin
- Use paragraphs to link similar ideas together.
- Write in structured, well developed paragraphs that flow well from one to the next within the text.
- Use linking words and phrases to link paragraph for effect.
In class, we are learning to do paragraph writing. We used this image as our writing prompt. Everyone has described this image uniquely. Before writing the paragraphs, we also used our five senses to help us write.
The five senses are see, hear, feel, taste and smell. Of course, we cannot smell or taste the image, we had to think what the man could probably smell or what we would smell or taste if we put ourselves into the man's shoes.
In class, we are learning to do paragraph writing. We used this image as our writing prompt. Everyone has described this image uniquely. Before writing the paragraphs, we also used our five senses to help us write.
The five senses are see, hear, feel, taste and smell. Of course, we cannot smell or taste the image, we had to think what the man could probably smell or what we would smell or taste if we put ourselves into the man's shoes.
We needed to make sure we stayed on topic and that we didn't drift off to another subject.
He sat there, waiting to be freed from what seems to be his fate. He knew it would finally happen but not this soon. You can hear his weeping and his begging to be set free as if he didn’t do any crime. His heart aches with the endless feeling of dysphoria kept deep inside of him. There is a putrid scent coming off him; he’s beginning to smell like a dead rotting rat. His ability to speak or even scream for freedom had been drained from his body.
Throughout the day, he can hear people scurrying pass to avoid unwanted attention from the man. Some people get by quick enough to shun his wails, but most aren’t very lucky. His cries traumatize the bypassers and leave them wondering what kind of beast is inside. At the end of the day, his breath becomes short and unstable. He gasps for the contaminated air and begins to bawl his eyes out considering it was his only way to fall asleep.
As he awakens, the taste of his own bitter tears were still there from the previous night. His tears have been the only drop of water he’s had in a while. From day to day, he impatiently waits for the guards to eventually drop by and splash him with freezing water. That is what he called a shower and the only to keep himself hydrated.
What I enjoyed:
I enjoyed using the five senses to help with our writing because we can use unique words we haven't heard of and learning new synonyms for simple words.
What I found difficult;
I had trouble with linking the paragraphs because I wanted to make sure my paragraphs made sense and that I didn't go off topic.
What I could do next time:
Use more punctuation.
Friday, 26 July 2019
Trip to Orana Park
On Tuesday, a few people from room 5 and 6 went to Orana Park. Thanks to St Joseph's Rangiora, they had fund raised money and decided to invite us on the trip, so it was very kind of them to do that.
It was a really enjoyable experience and we learned many different facts about different animals. There were giraffes, gorillas, lions, rhinos and zebras. Did you know, a mother zebra leaves the herd so she can give birth to her baby? When her child is born, they both stay away from the herd for a few days so the mother can imprint on her child. They do this so they can recognise each other in a herd of other zebras. Their stripes will eventually appear.
I also loved being able to hold a Rhino's horn and seeing the giraffes being fed.
If you can, visit a zoo and you can find out more facts on animals.
It was a really enjoyable experience and we learned many different facts about different animals. There were giraffes, gorillas, lions, rhinos and zebras. Did you know, a mother zebra leaves the herd so she can give birth to her baby? When her child is born, they both stay away from the herd for a few days so the mother can imprint on her child. They do this so they can recognise each other in a herd of other zebras. Their stripes will eventually appear.
I also loved being able to hold a Rhino's horn and seeing the giraffes being fed.
If you can, visit a zoo and you can find out more facts on animals.
Friday, 7 June 2019
For the past few weeks, our class has been listening to the story 'Dumbo'. Our teacher, Ms Ellis, has been reading it to us and she adds a new activity every week.
The activity I've been working on (Elephant emotions) is unfinished but I will do my best to finish it off.
Each chapter has answers that we get from the book, so we'd have to listen very carefully.
What I enjoyed:
I have been enjoying the research what emotions elephants can feel because I never knew elephants could feel that way.
What I found difficult:
I find answering the questions a little difficult because I have to remember what I know and what has been going on in the book.
What I could do next time:
Next time, I could catch up on more of the activities.
This slideshow will be updated weekly, so feel free to check anytime. :)
Thursday, 23 May 2019
Jesus' Ascension
Matthew 28:16-20
Jesus had promised he would send down the Holy Spirit.
He had taken his disciples to a mountain where they worshipped Him but some were with doubt. He asks his disciples to carry on his mission and make disciples of all nations and to baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Jesus then went back to Heaven.
What I did well: I did well with the images.
What I enjoyed: Reading about the ascension.
What I could do next time: Justify my images more so it can be seen or understood more clearer.
Friday, 17 May 2019
Pink Shirt Day
Today we are celebrating Pink Shirt Day!
Pink Shirt Day is to celebrate anti-bullying.
We either wear a pink shirt or bring something that is pink to represent anti-bullying.
This day means so much to me and many other people.
There are people out there that are being hurt and just don't know what to do.
Most of us are wearing stickers. There are three different stickers with different sayings.
"Speak up."
"Stand together."
"Stop bullying."
Please remember to report to someone who you can trust if you see someone being bullied or if you are being bullied. Please don't let them bully you.
That's it for now.
Remember, be a buddy not a bully!
Pink Shirt Day is to celebrate anti-bullying.
We either wear a pink shirt or bring something that is pink to represent anti-bullying.
This day means so much to me and many other people.
There are people out there that are being hurt and just don't know what to do.
Most of us are wearing stickers. There are three different stickers with different sayings.
"Speak up."
"Stand together."
"Stop bullying."
Please remember to report to someone who you can trust if you see someone being bullied or if you are being bullied. Please don't let them bully you.
That's it for now.
Remember, be a buddy not a bully!
Thursday, 9 May 2019
My Loving Mother
Since Mother's Day is coming up, this week our class wrote a character description about our mother's, sisters or aunties.
Character Descriptions
- Write a Character description
- Use ‘show not tell’ in our writing
My Mother
My mother has got beautiful copper-coloured medium length hair. It gleams whenever the sun hits her hair. She has one graceful smile that shines brighter than the stars! My mother has angelic looking eyes; her eye smile goes along with her laugh. Even though she may be short, I know she has a big heart.
My mother is very fun-loving; she showers her undying love onto us. She fills the whole house with her laughter and happiness. She makes sure we have eaten or checks on us whenever we feel down. She's a protective mother; she does what she can to keep us safe from harm.
She makes us feel cherished and supported. My family feels lucky to have a mother and a teacher, whenever I need a hand with school work she will always be there to help. Her laugh and smile is contagious when she smiles I smile. She teaches many other children and helps them learn to more about a subject.
My mother doesn't like a messy house or a messy room. She likes to be neat and tidy, but sometimes she gets a little bit lazy. She cleans whenever she gets the time because she's exhausted or busy with her work. She gets a wee bit grumpy when my room is untidy because most of the time I also get lazy.
Lastly... I love my mother.
Monday, 6 May 2019
Pig the Pug's Personality
- Write a Character description
- Use ‘show not tell’ in our writing
Pig the Pug - Pig the Pug, the pug with the gigantic brown eyes and each one looks different ways. He has such an abnormal body, he has rolls stacking on top of rolls. He’s got a big bulbous body with stubby little arms and legs. His body is… Somehow strange. Pig the Pug has a bean bag looking figure, he may also look like many other things. Some parts of him really don’t make sense.
Pig the Pug is self-centred, all he cares about is himself and only himself. He wants everyone's attention and he wants everyone to know that he's a star. He is such a stuck up little dog it will make you go crazy! He craves attention and he will steal attention whether you like it or not. His actions are so peculiar and confusing it causes you to wonder if Pig the Pug is even a dog. Pig the Pug is pushy, he bosses everyone around as if they work for him and he wants everything to go his way. He is inevitable...
One jumbo dog with a wicked personality. Pig the Pug, a controlling little pest, he makes everyone a victim of his malicious behaviour. He's famous for stealing the spotlight and making others feel like they're nothing. He shuns those who are 'worthless' to him… Well basically, everyone is a nobody to him. He just wants to fill the void inside of him.
Pig the Pug is like an alien... Some kind of dog alien. Honestly, his behaviour is out of this world and his room is a whole other planet. You'd imagine him with a tiny wee crown and a throne to match his 'queen bee' personality but no. His jumble of clothes is everywhere, it's puzzling how his trash can is so empty and his room looks like a landfill! Food crumbs are here and there, it also stinks as if something had died. Bits and pieces of his toys are always found even if you don't intend on finding anything.
What I did well:I'm happy with all 4 paragraphs because I really did my best.
What I enjoyed:
I enjoyed using more descriptive and interesting words that I haven't used before.
What I could do next time:
I need to work on some sentences to make my writing more clearer and use more punctuation.
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
Personal Sin
Today in class we made a DLO about Personal Sin and what it is.
Here is my DLO and some examples of Personal Sin.
What I did well: I think I did well on explaining and listing the examples.
What I enjoyed: I enjoyed creating everything.
What I could do next time: Give a little more information.
Friday, 29 March 2019
Pig the Pug recently fell off a pile of his toys… But did he fall or was he pushed?
An eyewitness, Trevor, who is now currently on trial described the situation as we
interviewed him.
“I saw it, I saw it with my own eyes! He piled all of his toys together, climbed to the
top and started to shout. Then his pile wobbled to the left… and then to the right, next
thing you know he’s out the window!”
However, in the background of Trevor’s talking, Pig the Pug was wheezing out,
“He shoved m-me!” The words gave us a big surprise. No questions were asked since
Pig the Pug was taken to the hospital. Trevor was asked non-stop but he kept on
denying the fact he pushed Pig the Pug.
There were no other witnesses; therefore, Trevor was the one who yelped for help.
To be continued...
The learning objective is to know how to write a newspaper report, to understand the structural features of a newspaper report and to understand the language features of a newspaper report.
Tuesday, 19 March 2019
Extraordinary Lightning
WALT: Use a range of figurative language to describe a moment in time.
The lightning flashed brightly, it could light up the whole country! A violent strike occurs again. Its colors blazed through the deep and dark night sky as it shook the trees, bushes, and houses nearby. Suddenly, a gleaming blue accompanies the pearly white light, They clashed together in a cruel way...
A big roar was let out. The wind screeched and cried as it blew flowers down and yanked them out of the ground. Lightning flared once again, it was brightest one of all. This woke those who were in a deep slumber or perhaps hibernating. Once you've woken up... You can't get back to sleep.
What I did well:
I did well on using descriptive language and using more exciting words.
What I could do next time:
Next time I could make my writing a bit longer.
I enjoyed: I enjoyed using unique words.
A big roar was let out. The wind screeched and cried as it blew flowers down and yanked them out of the ground. Lightning flared once again, it was brightest one of all. This woke those who were in a deep slumber or perhaps hibernating. Once you've woken up... You can't get back to sleep.
What I did well:
I did well on using descriptive language and using more exciting words.
What I could do next time:
Next time I could make my writing a bit longer.
I enjoyed: I enjoyed using unique words.
Monday, 25 February 2019
Treaty of Waitangi & The Land Wars
What I have done well:
Gathering information and doing my best to put them into my own words.
What I could do next time:
Next time, I could maybe add more detail and facts to make it a lot more interesting. Maybe even start with a hook.
What I enjoyed:
I enjoyed using 'Canva' to create my DLO. It was nice to use something different. They're just images I created, I downloaded them and added them onto the slideshow.
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