Monday, 5 August 2019

The Man in the Cabin

- Use paragraphs to link similar ideas together.
- Write in structured, well developed paragraphs that flow well from one to the next within the text.
- Use linking words and phrases to link paragraph for effect.

In class, we are learning to do paragraph writing.  We used this image as our writing prompt.  Everyone has described this image uniquely.  Before writing the paragraphs, we also used our five senses to help us write.
The five senses are see, hear, feel, taste and smell.  Of course, we cannot smell or taste the image, we had to think what the man could probably smell or what we would smell or taste if we put ourselves into the man's shoes.
We needed to make sure we stayed on topic and that we didn't drift off to another subject.
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He sat there, waiting to be freed from what seems to be his fate.  He knew it would finally happen but not this soon. You can hear his weeping and his begging to be set free as if he didn’t do any crime.  His heart aches with the endless feeling of dysphoria kept deep inside of him. There is a putrid scent coming off him; he’s beginning to smell like a dead rotting rat.   His ability to speak or even scream for freedom had been drained from his body.  

Throughout the day, he can hear people scurrying pass to avoid unwanted attention from the man.  Some people get by quick enough to shun his wails, but most aren’t very lucky. His cries traumatize the bypassers and leave them wondering what kind of beast is inside.  At the end of the day, his breath becomes short and unstable. He gasps for the contaminated air and begins to bawl his eyes out considering it was his only way to fall asleep.

As he awakens, the taste of his own bitter tears were still there from the previous night.  His tears have been the only drop of water he’s had in a while. From day to day, he impatiently waits for the guards to eventually drop by and splash him with freezing water.  That is what he called a shower and the only to keep himself hydrated. What I enjoyed: I enjoyed using the five senses to help with our writing because we can use unique words we haven't heard of and learning new synonyms for simple words. What I found difficult; I had trouble with linking the paragraphs because I wanted to make sure my paragraphs made sense and that I didn't go off topic. What I could do next time: Use more punctuation.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Ysabel, you have worked hard to ensure that your paragraphs are well structured. I can see a link between these parargraphs too, great job.


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